A Proof that God is Love
A good philosophical definition of love is that love is to will the good of the other for the sake of the other. God, classically understood, is considered to be the Good. Here is Aquinas’ proof of this in the Summa Contra Gentiles : “For that by reason of which a thing is said to be good is its own virtue, since the virtue of any thing is that which makes its subject good and renders its work good. Now virtue is a perfection, since we say that a thing is perfect when it attains its proper virtue , as is clear in 7 Physics 3, 4. Therefore, a thing is good because it is perfect. And hence every thing desires its own perfection as its proper good. Now it has been proved that God is perfect (ch. 28). Therefore, he is good.” (see here: https://aquinas.cc/la/en/~SCG1.C37 , https://aquinas.cc/la/en/~SCG1.C38 ). God, however, also has will. Here is Aquinas’ proof of God’s having will: “For, from the fact that there is intelligence in God, it follows that there is will in him. Be...