On the Incarnation
This is a day late, but I think that philosophical reflection is in order for the Christmas season. I should say that most of my ideas in this reflection come from one video (see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qneVp82UhHA&t=3812s ). I should also say that I cannot possibly scratch the surface of the meaning of the Incarnation, but these are some of my thoughts, nevertheless. In the Incarnation, God assumes a human nature so that He can experience what it is to be human and through this, what it is to be created. An essential part of this is that God experiences a particular human life and through this particularity he experiences a human life with which every other human being can find solidarity in. Specifically, in Christ, God experiences all the kinds of sufferings that humans experience and in this every other human being, across time and place, can look at Him and see themselves, their suffering, in Him. This means that the Incarnation is, in part, an act of Divine soli...