First Post!

Welcome to The Aspiring Jesuit! This is a philosophy blog where I share some of the philosophical topics and ideas that I find interesting and, hopefully you will too. 

The reason this blog is called “The Aspiring Jesuit,” is because I have been in discernment with the Jesuits, the Society of Jesus, for about a year and a half, and I plan on entering the Society after college. The Society of Jesus also has a rich intellectual tradition and I hope to partake in and share that tradition, whether or not I enter the Society. 

A little bit about me: I’m a freshman at Middlebury College in Vermont and I plan to major in philosophy. I also hope to study some foreign languages while I’m here, as Middlebury has some of the best language programs in the United States. My primary philosophical interests are the philosophy of religion, metaphysics, and medieval philosophy so most of my posts will be oriented around these topics. I don’t have many philosophical commitments at this point, but I would characterize myself as broadly Aristotelian, and the philosophical position of which I am most confident is theism. My favorite philosopher is St. Thomas Aquinas; he was a towering genius and he has profound metaphysical insights that help us to probe and discover the ultimate nature of reality.

If you find my posts interesting or helpful, please follow along and share this blog with others. God Bless!


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